It all started with a dream, and a few pals flying together.
We have been a part of some of the best groups in new eden, and maybe a few of the least amazing. We started small, in BIA and grew. We joined The Bastion, and continued to grow. We survived Beeitnam, and eventually joined Goonswarm. Come grow with us.
What sets us apart from the rest of new eden corporations? We are a close knit group of pilots from all walks of life in new eden. We like to work together as a team to do things extraordinary. We are looking for pilots that want to push the envelope and grow both in skill and fortune.
Mining and building, you can do them both here. We have access to some of the best moons in new eden. Corporate held moons are tax free for our pilots to mine. We even have a well priced buyback program, Blueprint library and more.
PVP is a way of life in new eden. Everyone always wants to take your space, or destroy what you have created.. Come learn how to fight back, and take control of your destiny.
We do have a requirement of 4 alliance/coallition paps per month that you will need to complete. Now dont worry, most of these fleets are simple to join and even will acept a new bro in a frig (unless otherwise stated). We can even give you some ships and fits to train into (usually with in 2 days) that you can join most fleets with. We can even give you your first few small frigs to try these fleets out with. So dont be worried, We all started out this way and now it is like second nature to us.
We are newbro friendly, so we have removed the skill point requirement
Pass an exstensive background check - ESI
Manditory login on discord for voice interview and agree to the participation requirements.
Have you even spoken to one of the recruiters or directors yet???
All applicants will be ran thru an extensive background investigation. If you are on the Imperium Blacklist, you may not be able to join.
Asteroid Farm Unlimited, with over 270 pilots employed, and is always looking for a few good Pilots. If you feel you have the balls, or kitten fur to fly with us, fill out the form below. One of our recruitment officers will reach out to you, to see if you will be good fit with our corporate culture. Enter your ESI data here, remember to link all of your accounts. ADFU - Seat Server Link.